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To register a company limited by guarantee you need to provide us your non-profit business objects: there are a number of reasons why you may wish to create a company limited by guarantee, and at Coddan, we have a team of dedicated and experienced of the company limited by guarantee registration experts than can help you with the entire process. In order to gain the necessary recognition as a non-profit association, you will need to provide various pieces of information (such as the business objects), and we can then take over the process, draft all of the necessary documents and submit them in a timely manner. We have assisted a wide variety of non-profit organisations of this nature in the past, and we can ensure that you meet the relevant criteria for this type of incorporation.
In order to prove that your business is truly being run on a 'not for profit' basis, the team at Coddan will need to see some kind of proof that any surplus funds will be completely reinvested in the existing company limited by guarantee structure. While a regular business may use this money to pay dividends to shareholders or directors, this type of organisation will usually be suitable for community groups, charitable setups or any other type of business that is looking to provide a service for the good of the local community.
Once you have provided the specialists at Coddan with the necessary evidence that your profits will be solely reinvested for a common purpose, we can then provide you with the relevant documentation that confirms your status as a non-profitable corporation. In addition to this, we can also ensure that the necessary records are kept with Companies House, HMRC and any of the other relevant authorities - this is vital for organisations that wish to avoid investigations that result from insufficient paperwork. If you would also like assistance with the accounting and reporting elements of your company limited by guarantee, Coddan can provide vital insights this.
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