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The addresses of a limited company directors are required by law to be made available during company formation. These details are made available to the public and form part of the private company's official records.
For this reason, many shareholders and directors may choose to use a second address, rather than have personal details published. While this makes sense for privacy and security reasons, it is important to choose a legitimate alternative address where you could be reached if required.
There are many different agencies and authorities that may need to contact you regarding your company, and as a result the law states that addresses of directors and shareholders must be recorded. Coddan can offer advice regarding your choice of address.
It is perfectly acceptable to choose a work address, such as the company's headquarters or your local office, instead of your home. As long as the address is one that you use and you could access any correspondence sent to you at that premises, it will be sufficient for the purposes of company registration. Should you ever change your address, it is vital that you contact Companies House and have your details updated as soon as possible.