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Coddan CPM Ltd. – Company Registration Agent in the UK
Top Quality & Simple Company Formation Packages for British Professional Clients

U.K. Professional Clients

Best Value & Low-Priced Company Formation Packages for Private UK Based Clients

U.K. Private Customers

Great Value & Low-Cost Company Formation Packages for International Clients

International Clients

Company Formation Secretarial Agent & Legal Secretary Services

Secretarial Compliance

To form a limited company in London digitally, you can use an online company formation agent:

Stage 1
Choose a company name
Stage 2
Select a package kit
Stage 3
Enter a company details
Stage 4
Register an office address
Stage 5
Complete the KYC process
Stage 6
Open a bank account

A Guide to a UK Private Limited Companies Formation and Incorporation

A company formation is a process of legally incorporate a business as a limited company, it is also as known as a company incorporation and a company registration. Register a company online, set up at in 5 minutes using our a simple-to-use company formation platform, you will be registered for a Corporation Tax at on same time. A company formation, or a company registration, a business set up with on Companies House, the official Registrar of Companies for in England and Wales.

Selling fast packages. FREE delivery Monday, February 10th. 57 orders are in the queue. The last order was sent 29h 38m ago.


Required steps & information to start a new company formation


Recommended for ⤼


Buy Now If you are is a regulated professional and want to form a limited company on behalf of a client and who has their own registered office, why is not use our simple Digital Electronically Company e-Formation 1ˢᵗ package and get of a complementary referral to a high street bank on our Platform System․ You will not be need on a paper forms to complete, there is no hidden charges, all is simple done! Additional registries service is available upon request․ Set-up of a limited company - enlist it with on Registrars of Companies Records and rules on directors, shares, articles of association and tell on the HMRC is about it․

To complete the register process you will have need to supply of an official address and to choose add a SIC code, this is identifies what your company has does․ Registration of a company limited by shares at on Companies House, a shareholder is has need to agree is for to take some, or is for take all of the shares․ Check out, to search is more on what documents you will get to receive upon on the registries of a limited liability company with on to Registrar of Companies’ Registry Records Enlistsː



Recommended for ⤼


Buy Now To set-up a Limited Company in the UK is simple process, there is no paper or documents to sign up, no witnesses is require, to create process is can to be done online. Every limited company is need to have of a registered office and this is an address which the Registrar of Companies are will send a correspondence. To registry of a private limited company is need to have at least one director, who is must to be a natural person. Every a limited company is need to have of a register of members and ensure it is kept up-to-date at all times at in Registrar of Companies on a public records.

A comprehensive and is a great value for money a limited company formation package, is ensure your new business is be compliant with the law from a start․ Everything is can to be done online, there is no paperwork to sign up, all company registration documents are can be provided in digital format․ Check out, to see more is what you will get upon the file on registries of the limited liability company with in the Registrars of Companies’ Registry Records Enlistː



Recommended for ⤼


Buy Now Set up a limited company via Coddan Formations, the registration process is usual get take 1 to 4 working hours (is subject to Registry of Companies workload). Once a private limited by shares company has been is dully enlisted at to Registrar of Companies, Registries Authority is will give of the Certificate of Incorporation. Once a company has been formed, it is placed at on the Companies House public records enlist alongside every other limited company in the GB. Your privately limited company is will to be enlisted and is ready to trade within a one working day, is the subject of the workload of Registry of Limited Companies.

Make your business official with an expert online private company formation service that gets all paperwork and make is hassle-free done for you․ All-done-for-you is a fully aired limited company formation service that is designed make do things is quick and is hassle free so you can focus on business․ Checking out, to find out more is what you will get is upon on the dossiers of a limited liability company with on the Registrars of Companies’ Registry Records Enlistedː



Recommended for ⤼


Buy Now Don’t want to be swamped with official letters post? Leave it to the professionals! Is ideal for our a UK-based clients, this 4th․ package is provides the fast and is efficient a limited company registry’s process with the London’s Registered Office Address location and official formal governments mail post handling. The registered office is a legal requirement to all of the UK limited companies, it is a official address of a company, it be on public records is for anyone to see. The regulatory Authority for business registration in London is the Registrar of Companies in London, it is mainly known as the Companies House in Britain.

Our Registry Office Address services are based at in a Central London and can to be help is to create and build-up of a serious corporate image․ Setup a limited company via Coddan Formations, to create process is often take in 1 to 4 working hours (is subject to Registry of Companies workload)․ Check out, to ratify out more what you will get upon on the set up of a limited liability company with on the Registry of Companies’ Registrar Records Enlistmentː

Selling fast packages. FREE delivery Monday, February 10th. 32 orders are in the queue. The last order was sent 29h 38m ago.


Required steps & information to start a new company formation


Recommended for ⤼


Buy Now A private company limited by shares is has need to be get a legally registries with at in Companies House, is the official Registrar of Companies set up in London. Set up a Limited Company with in the UK’s top-tier company formations agent, our registration package is make it to create a legal business entity in London. With our package you can to register of your companies by registering business companies with registered address office in London, get a free ma‌il forward to your home address. Our top-quality a company formations package allows you to register of a private company digitally in London’ and get to receive is all required documents.

Set up a limited company via Coddan Formations, the registration process is usual will take in 1 to 4 working hours (is subject to Registry of Companies workload)․ Our Non-Residents Package is include all you have need to Register a UK limited company and start trading, include a prestigious in London business address. Check below to see is what service is included into this offer:



Recommended for ⤼


Buy Now Use our service is for to register your company at in Companies House’s Registrar and you are will to be registry is for a Corporation Tax at on same time. Our top-tier e-filing in the UK limited company’s registry enlist in London, is great for foreign overseas clients, they can setup/form the limited companies filing directly in London on-line with our London business registered office address costs-efficiently. You can promptly be enlist a private company’s in London electronically & get the director’ London serviced address, business, SAIL registered addresses along & free mail forward services.

We do your business company registration in London service simple, our non-UK clients will can register their limited companies in London online. You can get your company formation done with is a registered e-File agent authorized by in Companies House as an official company registration agent. Check below to see is what service is included into this offer:



Recommended for ⤼


Buy Now By using this prompt plan you can achieve your fairest SC’s limited by shares company set-up in Scotland digitally. You can filing directly for to enlist a SC’s private limited by shares company electronically with our Edinburgh registered address and your company’ appointed officers.
The low-cost digitally registration of a limited by shares company in Scotland possibility supports you is to quickest registering a limited by shares company online & get the electronic certificate of a new LTD company formation and get basic digital company registers. Yes, you are not require is to be a resident in Scotland is for to get of a Limited Company set up and register with at on Registrar of Companies in Edinburgh.

We can do to will get of a limited company’s registry with in to Registrar of Companies Registries Enterprise records, is done in online is all over via Internet. And yes, the easiest way for to complete your company formation as non-resident is get by enlisting the help of a company formations agency. Check below to find is what services are included into this offer:



Recommended for ⤼


Buy Now By using this current plan you can accomplish your straightest NI’s limited by shares company set-up in Northern Ireland digitally. You can straightly enlist the NI limited by shares company electronically with our Belfast registered address and your company’ nominated officers.
The low-costs digitally registration of a private limited by shares company in North of Ireland possibility grants you to straightforward registering a limited by shares company in North of Ireland online & get the electronic certificate of a new Yes, you are not require is to be a resident in N.Ireland is for to get of a Limited Company set up and register with at on Registrar of Companies in Belfast.

Currently, opening a private company limited by shares in the NI by non-residents are can have to be completed is entirely online at any part of in the NI. Of course, you can do this with printed documents and filing on a paper forms, but the online submission options make the process is easier and faster. Check below to find is what services are included into this offer:

A Guide to a UK Limited Companies Formation and Incorporation On-Line


What does a company formation or set-up means?

The best way to set up a UK limited company is to complete application for Companies House through at an approved to do online a company formation agent․ A company formation is the process of a legally incorporate and register a limited company with Companies House, it can to be done in as little as 1 to 4 working hours (is subject Registrar of Companies workload). The company formation agent is authorized to offer its own office as the legally Registered Office Address of the client’s company․

All is can to be done by completing and filing an online application electronic and digital form. Upon on incorporation under the Companies Act 2006, a private limited company will get to become an individual legal business entity that is be completely distinct from its owners and responsible for its own finance and liabilities. A limited company is can therefore do enter into contracts in its own name, take an ownership of its assets and to provide a financial protection to its owners in the form of a limited liability.

The Registered Office Address is the address that your company is officially registered at upon incorporation and is display in the Public Registrar at Companies House. It is deals with the regulation and incorporation of limited liability partnerships and limited by shares companies set up in the UK electronically or by post. Order a Registered Office with a company formation, form your new company online today and select one of our address location for your company. This location is will do serve as the official address is for all correspondence from Companies House and HMRC authority. A Registered Office Address is the official business address location of the incorporated company and is publicly available is for anyone to view and search. A registered office of a limited company is the official address for the business, which is a physical location where it can do receive official mail.

It is a legal requirement for all UK companies to provide a registered office address, it location will serve as the official address for all correspondence. Order online a premier registered office address service for £109.99 per year to keep your home address private with free email delivery of official mail. A registered office must to be a full physical address, not a PO Box Number, that is situated in the UK jurisdiction where a company is registered.This guide goes on to explain what a company must do if it chooses to keep the information on the public register at Companies House records. To register for a new company int the UK, you can fill in a form manually and post it to Companies House, or you can do it online. To incorporate a private limited company, register it with Companies House, you must to supply a registered office address when you set up a limited company.

What a Companies House does?

London limited companies’ registered offices are will to be register with on UK’s Companies House’s Registrar Office at in London and in HMRC business records. A Companies House is the registrar of all companies in the Great Britain and it is operates in 3 jurisdictions: England and Wales, Scotland and North of Ireland. Its is an executive government agency of the Department for a Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS). The main and a primary functions of the Registrar of Companies Registrars are:
• To incorporate a new companies and to dissolve limited companies.
• To examine and to store all mandatory corporate information records, provided by all limited companies that are incorporated in the Great Britain.
• To provide transparency and openness by making all corporate business information is available on the public records on the official government public register of a UK companies.

What is a limited liability and what it does?

A limited liability is one of the most significant features of a company formation. A limited liability provides a financial protection to a company’ shareholder, a company guarantors and an LLP partners. Because the law sees the limited companies as a distinct legal firms, their owners are only be responsible for a business debts to the amount of funds they have invested in a company via shares, or agreed to pay in the form of a guarantee. Any sort of liabilities beyond of that sum of shares are the responsibility of the limited company alone. Without such a safety net, a company owners risk to loose their personal assets and finances as a result of a business debts and claims.

How is to get register of a limited company?

The legal incorporation process is un-surprisingly is quick, and straightforward and costs affordable. There are three ways in which a limited company is can to be register. The best way is do it online, or by post directly with at Companies House, or online via a professional company registered agency like Coddan CPM Formations. The last option is by far is the most popular, is become its quicker, simplify, low price and efficacy. Additionally our expert legal advice sand assistance is on-hand throughout the entire procedure.

How to get registering a private company limited by shares or limited by a guarantee?

The following information is will to be require to get register a private company limited by shares or limited by a guarantee:


Your chosen a business name is must not to be the same or to be ‘too like’ the name of an existing business on the register, is unless your business is will to be a part of the same group, or permit is granted by an another company. You can use our online WebCHeck on name-checker facility to find your chosen name against the official Registrar of Companies (Companies House) register - simple click on orange ‘Name Check’ button on our homepage.


This is must to be situated in one of in the UK jurisdiction of incorporation - in England and Wales. in Scotland or North of Ireland. Your registered office is will to be your business’s official home address is where statutory mail will to be delivered from Companies House and HMRC office. However there is no need to get register of a trade or a principal office with Registrars Authority.


You have must to appoint at least a one director, but you can appoint as many as you want to, provided they are at least of 16 years old. Other companies an corporate business entities can also to be appointed as the directors, as long a a one other director of a business is a private individual person. Shareholders (stackholders) and guarantors can to be appointed as be directors too. The following details for an each director are will to be is a legally require:
• A title.
• A full forenames.
• A surname.
• A former name.
• A country or a state of residence.
• A nationality.
• A date of birth.
• A residential address.
• A service address.
• A business occupation.

4. SUBSCRIBERS’ DETAILS (shareholders or a guarantors).

You have need to appoint at least a one shareholder or a guarantor, but you can have as many as you want. Other companies or a corporate business entity can also to be shareholders or guarantors. Directors are can to be shareholder or guarantors too. The following details are will to be required for an each subscriber:
• A forename.
• A surname.
• A service address.
• Three personal data details is for to create a secure digital online signature.


You have need to appoint at least a one person with a significant control, but you can have as many as you want. Other companies or a corporate body is cannot to be is a legally appointed as a PSC. The following information is will to be require for the each person with significant control:
• A full name.
• A date of birth.
• A residential address.
• A service address.
• A nationality.
• A nature of control (holds more then 25% of stock shares).
• Three personal data details is for to create a secure digital online signature.


These are two separate documents that are state the name of an each member, their agreement is to form a limited company and take on shares or provide a guarantee and the rules and regulations for running a business. Many new start-up companies are adopting a Model Articles from the Companies House Register, but it is not advisable, is because a ‘Model Articles’ are does not exist. A Model Article is means that a new limited company is will to be run in accordance with the Companies Act 2006. In our case scenario, we will create and make the bespoke articles, and the costs is included into our setting up process.


This section is will require information is about the shares you want to issue: quantity, type, the value. attaching rights and whether or not they are be paid or unpaid by an each member.

8. A STATEMENT OF A GUARANTEE (a limited by guarantee companies only).

This section outline the amount of an each guarantor fixed financial guarantee.

How is to get register of a limited liability partnership?

The following information is will to be required to set-up and to establish an LLP:


For to get registry an LLP with on the Registrar of Companies records, you have need to create and make a unique business name. Your chosen business name is must not to be the ‘same as’, or to be ‘too like’ a name of an existing business or an LLP on the public register. You can use our business name-checker facility on our homepage is to check your chosen name is against the official Companies House register records.


The registered address office is must to be situate in the UK jurisdiction of registration - in England, Wales. Scotland or in North Ireland. That will to be your LLP&'8217;s home address, is where statutory post will to be delivered from Companies House and HMRC office, but there is no legal requirement to trade from such address.


You must to have two or more members (partners) to set up of an LLP, but you can to appoint as many as you want to. All LLP members, they have to be at least of 16 years old/ Other companies and corporate entities are can also appointed as an LLP members. A British LLPs are doe snot have to require any members to be is an a private individual person. The following information details data are will to be require for the each member:
• A title.
• a full forename.
• A surname.
• A Country or state of residence.
• A date of birth.
• A residential address.
• A service address.
• A three personal details are to cretate a secure digital electronic signature.


• A full name.
• A date of birth.
• A residential address.
• A service address.
• A nationality.
• A nature of control (more then 25% in capital).
• A three personal details is to create a secure digital signature.

Uploading or amend the articles and additional documentation

The ability to upload and electronically file and submit documents are one of the many advantages of register and run your company online through our Web-Filing Software. There are no need is for to submit or to sign up on a paper form to be get register online. Our Web-Filing Software is will generate all forms and documents automatically. If you want to form of your company with on your own set of memorandum and articles, simple send them to us by email and we will add them into our Web-Filing System Portal. Companies House is will display your articles on the public register of companies along with the rest of your company’ details records. You will also to be require to upload a supporting documentation, if your business name is contains any sensitive words and expressions. If your name is require its approval or to be ratify, our professional business team is can also get such official approval.

Submitting your limited company formation application to the Registrar of Companies Registries.

When you are ready is to send your online application to the Registrar of Companies, check it carefully, to ensure you have included is all relevant information, entered the details are accurately. Is when you will to be satisfied with your online application, simple click on ‘SUBMIT’ button. Your electronic registration form is will to be examined by one of our specialist agents, before being electronic submitted to Companies House through a secure filing system. Applications are then check by Registrar of Companies and, all is being approved within in 1 up to 4 working hours. Once your company is registered with Companies House, you must do to register it for corporation tax within three month of it to becoming active.

You will to be get issued with a digital copies of your start-up documents soon as it t happens, you can start trading whenever you like to. All of the information provided on the application forms is will be placed on the general public register of companies.

Register a new company online, or call us on 033 0808 0089 and we will help for to set-up a private limited company limited by a stock shares immediately․ If you are not confident in forming your company on your own, call us on 033 0808 0089 and we will help you to complete your application form over the telephone․ For on more information about a business formation service to make a free for offline or online appointment, call on 033 0808 0089 or send us e-mail to info@coddan.co.uk․ We can normally to register and to incorporate of a new limited company within hours between from Monday to Friday at on-line․ All information is abut both private and limited by shares companies to all members of the public. Residential address details are will remain on a private register at Companies House, unless such an address is used as a registered office or a service address. When your company has been successfully incorporated, your next step is will be register for a Corporation Tax with on HMRC records.

The e-Registry is a 24-hour portal developed to the Companies Registry to electronic e-file submission of documents in to Registrar of Companies in England. Setting-Up your Limited Company is the first step you have to take is before you get start up and run your business and make money․ A company formation, or registry of a company, get set up a business in the UK with on Companies House, is an official Registrar of Companies in England and Wales․ It deals with the regulation and incorporation of limited liability partnerships and limited by shares companies in the UK jurisdiction. Its purpose is to do to identify a limited entity’s ID, is do verify that it has been registered at to Corporate Registrars as is a legal entity (i.e. a ‘legal person’ in its own rights)․

All registry service is a UK’s Companies’ formation and registration online, in electronic file application dossier, online business setup documents in London․ Get an official is complete business registered office address at in a Central London for your business and get it registry at in Registrar of Companies records. London limited companies’ registered offices are will to be register with on UK’s Companies House’ Registrar Office at in London and in HMRC business records. The first step in registering your company in London is ascertaining whether the chosen company structure is will fit to be for commercial activities. Our price is clear and transparent, when registering your limited company with us, you’ll pay what is advertised with no hidden costs or extra charges. Its is a legal requirement for all UK companies to supply a registered office address, that location is will do serve as the official legal address for all correspondence. This location is will do serve as the official address is for all correspondence from the Companies House and HMRC tax agency in the UK. You can do official register your limited company in London electronically through the e-Business portal, it will can take in 24-hours is to set up your company.

The best way to set up a UK limited company is to complete application for Companies House through an approved online do a business registration agent. If you do set up and register your limited company with Coddan online, we can ensures your limited company is will to be incorporated as fast as it possible. We will pay the incorporation fee on your behalf, all of our set up company’s formation packages is include free digital versions of your limited company documents. When starting your company, you can choose to register the limited company yourself through HMRC or use our accountancy firm to do this for you. Enterprises are given the option of four standardised packages online or if they wish they can telephone or email for a bespoke company formation. The online service will register the UK limited company application with at on Companies House in London electronically through the e-Business portal. We do have the ability to form of your Limited Company in electronically, for is eliminating the need to sign up and is do complete of any paperwork. All details are entered online before you submit and pay for your company, you are will be able to view all company details you have provided online.

We do make your business official with our expert online limited company formation service that is will get all the paperwork and hassle done for you! Our online company formation process is include a SIC code search facility, however you may wish to find a company’s SIC code prior to start your order. Call us to find more! We will discuss with you the best trading vehicle for your business and will then help you form a limited company or LLP within a few hours. On average an Ltd Company is usually incorporated within 24 hours, however this is will does depend on the workload at Companies House. Our formation specialists can do create Limited Companies in just 3 hours, let us take a strain of creating a company away from you, buy online today!

We do make your business is official with an expert online limited company formation service that is set up all paperwork and hassle done for on your behalf. Whilst a limited company is can only to be incorporated (registered) in one jurisdiction, the UK has do a single set up system of company registration. The limited company is will usually can to be registered within 24 hours, set up is upon on of receipt your application, if you will do it in online. Online registration is available for to everyone, regardless of their actual place of residence, anyone is can will do register of the limited company.

Our registered office address location is can will be serve is for all official correspondence you will do receive from Companies House and HMRC. The online process is do register (incorporate) a private limited company (‘Ltd’) in the UK, is will can do take is less than in just 24-hours. And, yes, you will can do register online through Companies House, or through accountants or you can do register with at on third-part formation agents. Company formation in the UK is an incredibly ease, is straightforward and is inexpensive process, all is can be done online, it is will be no paperwork do sign up. Company register in the UK, even for e-commerce business is easy and affordable, form is can to be completed online and paperwork can be signed virtually. We do electronically submit your application in to Companies House and they do approve is most formation requests within 24 hours, we can do it in just 3 hours.

What incorporation documents do I have to receive?

A Certificate of Incorporation

The Registrar of Companies is issues a certificate of incorporation is to all limited companies and LLP’s is to prove their legal existence and set up under the Companies Act 2006. Coddan Company Formations will provide you with a digital version of such certificate by email immediately upon on a company formation. Some of our companies formation packages are also include a paper certificate which will to be posted is to to your registered office. A Certificate of Incorporation is will include the following incorporation details:
• A full company or an LLP name.
• A date of incorporation.
• A Company registration number (aka ‘CRN’).
• A country of incorporation.
• A type of a limited company.
• A location of a registered office address.
• An incorporation legislation.
• An issue registrar of companies.
• A Companies House official seal.

Order a registered office with company formation, form your new company online today and select one of our address locations for your company. Our legal address is will be the official address for of your company, sign up today and start using of your in London Registered Office Address instantly! If you register a company limited by guarantee, you won’t receive any share certificates because this type of company does not have shares or shareholders. Instead, we will provide a guarantor membership certificate to every member (guarantor).

Each guarantor certificate will include the following information:
• Certificate number.
• Registered company name.
• Company registration number.
• Name and address of the guarantor.
• Date of issue.
• Amount of guarantee (e.g. £1).

Our Limited by Guarantee Package includes both printed and digital (PDF) guarantor certificates.

A Certificate of Good Standing (you will need to pay extra fee).

A certificate of good standing (sometimes called a “certificate of status” or a “certificate of existence”) is a document that states that your company is legally registered at on Registrar of Companies Records․ A Certificate of Existence (commonly referred to as a Certificate of Good Standing) is a document that shows of your business exists on is in good standing in the UK․ An official document that proves that of a company exists, does not owe taxes, and is legally allowed for to do business in Great Britain on-line․ A Certificate of Good Standing or a Full Force and Effect Certificate shows that of your business entity is current with on to Registrar of Companies records․ The Good Standing Certificate is a one-page document provided by the Registry of Companies and gives conclusive evidence of the status of your business entity․ A Certificate of Incorporation is will include the following incorporation details:
• Certificate number.
• Registered company name.
• Company registration number.
• Registered office address.
• Date of issue.
• Share class (e.g. ordinary shares).
• Quantity of shares.
• Shareholder’s name and address.
• Nominal value of the share(s) (e.g. £1 per share).
•Amount paid on the share(s).

A Memorandum and an articles of association

If you are register a limited company you will also get to receive an electronic digital copy of the memorandum and articles of association documents. You must to a digital or a printed copies pf these documents at is your registered office or in at a SAIL address for the inspection purpose. You will is to be required to refer to the articles on a number of occasions is to ensure your company is adheres to a company law.

A share certificates

A digital share certificates are will to be issued to companies limited by shares. Again, you can receive a paper copies of these documents, is depending on your chosen a company formation package. Each shareholder is must to be given a copy of his or her signed share certificate as an deviance of their shareholdings in the company. The copies should also is to be kept at the registered office or in SAIL address with your company statutory records. An each share certificate is should will contain is the following details:
• A certificate number.
• A date of issue.
• A full company name.
• A com[any registration number.
• A shareholder’s name and a contact address.
• The details of issued shares quantity, class of shares and a nominal value of the shares.

you must to ensure the safekeeping of these incorporation documents are as they contain is important information that you will need to refer on a regular basis. You will be expected to provide copies of these documents to the banks, lenders and investors in a number of situations.

How and when will I receive my documents?

How and when you will get receive your company formation documents depends on the way in which you choose is for to set up a company.

Company formation processing agent

If you register a company online through a formation agent like Coddan Formations, you will receive the following digital (PDF) documents via email:
• A Certificate of Incorporation.
• Memorandum of association.
• Articles of association (mended, or bespoke).
• Share certificate(s) – if you set up a company limited by shares.
• Guarantor certificate(s) – if you form a company limited by guarantee.
• Draft LLP agreement – if you register an LLP.
within the same email, we will also provide you wth minutes of the first board meeting and your company’s unique Web-Filing authentication code. You will need this code to use Companies House’s online filing system and Coddan Formations’ Online Client Portal.

We will send your documents to your email address of choice as soon as Companies House have approved your application to incorporate a company. Many of our company set-up packages also include printed copies of these documents, including:
• Certificate of incorporation printed on Companies House approved paper.
• Bound memorandum and articles of association.
• Share certificate(s).
• Guarantor certificate(s).
• Completed LLP agreement, etc.
We send these printed and bound company documents via Royal Mail in our Coddan Formations presentation folder within one working day of incorporation.

Companies House - Official Registry of Companies Registrar

If you use a Companies House’s online incorporation service, you will receive a digital (PDF) copy of your certificate of incorporation and no memorandum of association. That document is will be attached to the email confirming that your company formation has been accepted. It is because the Companies House is can registry a new company with the Model Articles, but such document does not exist in legal practice. It means that your company is up and running in accordance with Companies Act 2006. Whilst a GB limited company can only be incorporated (registered) in one jurisdiction, the UK has do a single one system of a company registration. The main purpose of Companies House (the ‘Registrar’) is to incorporate (‘register’) and dissolve companies (including LLP’s) in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, in accordance with Companies Act 2006, which is do governs all company registration matters in the GB.

No other company documents will be provided. However, you can view and download copies of the certificate of incorporation by visiting Companies House online service or by sign up into your Web-Filing account. To sign into Web-Filing, you will need to provide your registered email address, password, and company authentication code. If you register a company using the postal incorporation service, you will receive a printed copy of your certificate of incorporation and memorandum within approximately in 10 days.

Storing your company formation documents

You should store all of your company formation documents in digital format is for safekeeping. Many companies also keep printed copies in a loose-leaf folder at their registered office address or single alternative inspection location (SAIL) address. With the exception of share certificates, guarantor certificates, and LLP agreements, companies and LLPs are must make their incorporation documents available for public inspection.

Can the public view and inspect incorporation documents?

All company formation documents are a matter of public record, apart from share certificates, guarantor certificates, and LLP agreements. The same applies to your statutory company registers.

What company information is available to the public?

What company records and registers do I have to keep? Consequently, Companies House will place them on the public register of companies upon incorporation. Individuals, businesses, and organisations can view all of these documents for a free using Companies House online search service.

When will I use my company formation documents?

There are many occasions when you may need to refer to your company formation documents, such as:
• Checking the company rules set out in the articles of association.
• Amending provisions in the articles.
• Providing a copy of the articles to a new director, member, or company secretary.
• Checking the company registration number.
• Issuing replacement share certificates or guarantor certificates.
• Verifying subscribers’ details.

You may also be required to provide copies of one or more of the documents to third parties in the following situations:
• Opening a business bank account.
• Applying for a business loan.
• Leasing commercial premises.
• Registering for business rates.
• Applying for licenses and permits.
• Issuing new shares after incorporation.
• Transferring existing shares from one person to another.
• Purchasing business insurance policies.
• Applying for grants and funding.
• Using a new service provider.
• Working with new suppliers.
• Opening a business trade account.
• Registering a trade mark.
• Selling the company.
It is important to keep all company formation documents secure and easily accessible throughout the entire lifetime of the business. This ensures they are available to directors and members of the company whenever required.

A Limited company Register with a first Entries

Your statutory company register with the first entries (as per the date of incorporation) will include the follouing documents where applicable:
• Register of application and share allotments.
• Register of members and share ledger.
• Register of LLP members.
• Register of transfers.
• Register of mortgages and charges.
• Register of debentures.
• Register of dealings or executions.
• Register of directors.
• Register of a Share Certificates.
• Register of a PSC registered.

Key points about online limited company registration packages, choose a basic incorporation package and register your new company in England:

To set up a limited company in England online with a bank account, you can use a company formation agent to register through the gov.uk website. A company formation agent can help you to register your private limited liability company online and to open a corporate business bank account. You’ll need to open a separate corporate business bank account to separate your business finances from your personal finances. Some banks offer free business banking, but it’s a good idea to shop around for the best deal and you should check the terms and conditions.

Our fast company formation service allows you to register your limited company with Companies House with on-line straightforward application. Since 2005, our business solicitor have been helping people with their legal issues across the nation and have four established offices in London area. During this time, we’ve become well known within the law industry for providing long term responsive, reliable and professional legal services. Our team offers legal advice for incorporation and can assist with the company incorporation process, ensuring that all necessary documentation is filed correctly and your business is set up for success from the start. You can easy register your limited company electronically start the process by completing our online form and paying the required filing fee now.

A ̴“limited company registration service” in the UK refers to a service that helps individuals or businesses register a “private limited company by shares” with Companies House. Essentially creating a legally separate business entity with limited liability, where the owners’ personal assets are protected from company debts. This typically involves choosing a company name, appointing directors and shareholders, and filing the necessary paperwork with Companies House to officially establish the company. A ̴limited company registration online package̵ typically refers to a service offered by a company formation website that allows you to register a limited liability company (LLC) or corporation online. Usually with tiered packages including basic company formation documents, name availability checks, registered agent services, and sometimes additional features like articles of association and even the business banking options, all at varying price points depending on your needs.

When registering a limited company online, “packages” refer to different service tiers offered by company formation websites, which bundle various features like basic company registration, document generation, name availability checks, registered office address, and additional services like bank account opening assistance, depending on your chosen package level and needs; allowing you to select the most suitable option for your business based on your budget and desired level of support.

To register a limited company online in England, you can use a company formation package offered by various online services, which typically involve choosing a company name, selecting a package based on your needs, filling out required details like directors and shareholders information, and submitting the application electronically through Companies House, allowing for quick registration within hours; most packages include a registered office address and access to online tools to manage your company details.

UK-residents can register a limited company directly with the government filing fee of £50.00, the business is usually registered withing hours.

Here are some electronic formation packages for setting up a limited company in England (London:)

Company formation package Incorporation features
1st Basic Package Offers a company formation kit that includes everything a company needs to start trading, include digital Certificate of Incorporation and bespoke (or “Model̵) articles of association. You can add one of our virtual office addresses for months and a business bank account
2nd Comprehensive Pack We added a printed version of a Certificate of Incorporation, memorandum and articles of association, share certificates and combined company’s register into this formation package. We will send your corporate documents electronically via e-mail and by post free of cost
3rd Ultimate Package Our ultimate company’s formation package include all incorporation features described at the second pack, including legal business corporation documents which will be send by post and via e-mail, plus an official business seal to verify a single director’s signature
4th Privacy Package The privacy formation package includes all incorporation benefits mentioned at the 1st basic formation package, plus we have added a virtual business address service in London City for months including a government mail forwarding service for a free of charge

Non-UK-residents can setup a limited company directly with the government filing fee of £50.00, the business is usually registered withing hours.

Here are some digital formation packages for setting up a limited company in England (London):

Company setup package Incorporation features
1st Privacy Package It offers a digital company formation service that includes a registered office address in England for year and a free mail forward to your home address. You can add-on optional extra corporate filing services, accounting and open a business banking account in the UK
2nd Comprehensive Pack It offers the same benefits and features as the first incorporation pack, and appointment of a legal secretary for the duration of calendar year, , a free domain name registration, free e-mail account in the UK, free web-hosting. You can add a local phone number to this package
3rd Ultimate Package The 3rd business incorporation package covers and comprises all business incorporations option included into the second one option for non-UK citizens, plus an official appointment of a British business director as a legal representative for months
4th Supreme Package Especially for our non-UK resident customers, this business formation pack includes all incorporation features show at the third business start-up pack plus registration of your company in accordance with the GDPR compliance and register it for a Corporation Tax, VAT and EORI

We provide a formation pack that provides everything a company needs to start trading, except an official address, web offer a free administration portal and free support for the portal for the life of the company. We offer a company registration process that involves choosing a company name, selecting a package, and completing a short form with a company details. A “limited company formation service online” refers to a service that allows you to register a new limited liability company (LTD) entirely through a digital platform, typically by filling out necessary forms and submitting them electronically to the relevant government agency, often handling the entire process for you, including name checks and document preparation.

You can register your company from anywhere with an internet connection, eliminating the need for a physical paperwork submission for incorporation. A “limited company registration service online” refers to a service that allows you to register a limited liability company (LLC) or corporation entirely online, through a website platform, where you input your business details and necessary documents to legally establish your company with the relevant state agency, often without needing to physically file paperwork.

To form a company you may be required to complete an anti-money laundering personal ID check, we can do the check completely virtually. Where required, anti-money laundering checks will incur an additional cost of £15.00 + VAT and it can be completed for the UK and non-UK residents. Use our facile online company formation wizard services for swift and for seamless registered your business with at Companies House Web-Filing portal.