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📞+44 (0) 207․ 935․ 5171 ˗ Call us, for to get your corporate business firm regstry       
Coddan CPM Ltd. – Company Registration Agent in the UK
Top Quality & Simple Company Formation Packages for British Professional Clients

U.K. Professional Clients

Best Value & Low-Priced Company Formation Packages for Private UK Based Clients

U.K. Private Customers

Great Value & Low-Cost Company Formation Packages for International Clients

International Clients

Company Formation Secretarial Agent & Legal Secretary Services

Secretarial Compliance

6 Steps Get e-Registry’s a Limited Company’s at in the Registries of Companies (Roc) Recordsː

Stage 1
Search for a company’s name
Stage 2
See and obtain a bundle
Stage 3
Fill in out e-filing form
Stage 4
Submit web e-app
Stage 5
Get it e-filed registered
Stage 6
Open a bank account

Company Set-Up via a Solicitor vs․ Top-Grade Company Registration Agent

A company formation is a process of legally incorporate a business as a limited company, it is also as known as a company incorporation and a company registration. Register a company online, set up at in 5 minutes using our a simple-to-use company formation platform, you will be registered for a Corporation Tax at on same time. A company formation, or a company registration, a business set up with on Companies House, the official Registrar of Companies for in England and Wales.

Selling fast packages. FREE delivery Monday, February 10th. 57 orders are in the queue. The last order was sent 29h 53m ago.

Electronic Limited Company Formation Packages for UK Residents,
New Business Registration is Usually Get Take in Between at in 1 to 4 working hours․

Required steps & information to start a new company formation


Recommended for ⤼


Buy Now If you are is a regulated professional and want to form a limited company at on behalf of a client and who has their own registered office, why is not use our simple Digital Electronically Company e-Formation 1ˢᵗ package and get of a complementary referral to a high street bank at on our Platform System․ You will not be need in a paper forms to complete, there is no hidden charges, all is simple done! Additional registries service is available at upon request․ Set-up of a limited company - do enlist it with at in Registrar of Companies Records and rules on directors, shares, articles of association and file at on HMRC records․

To complete the register process you will do need to supply of an official address and to choose a SIC code, this is identifies what your company has does․ Registration of a company limited by shares at on Companies House, a shareholder is has need to agree is for to take some, or is for take all of the shares․ Check out, to search is more on what documents you will get to receive upon on the registries of a limited liability company with at on Registrar of Companies’ Registry Records Enlistsː



Recommended for ⤼


Buy Now To set-up a Limited Company in the UK is simple process, there is no paper or documents to sign up, no witnesses is require, to create process is can to be done in online. Every limited company is need to have of a registered office and this is an address which the Registrar of Companies are will send a correspondence. To registry of a private limited company is need to have at least one director, who is must to be a natural person. Every a limited company is need to have of a register of members and ensure it is kept up-to-date at all times at on Registrar of Companies at in a public records.

A comprehensive and is a great value for money a limited company formation package, is ensure your new business is be compliant with the law from a start․ Everything is can to be done online, there is no paperwork to sign up, all company registration documents are can be provided in digital format․ Check out, to see more is what you will get upon the file on registries of the limited liability company with in the Registrars of Companies’ Registry Records Enlistː



Recommended for ⤼


Buy Now Set up a limited company via Coddan Formations, the registration process is usual do take at in 1 to 4 working hours (is subject on Registry of Companies workload). Once a private limited by shares company has been is dully enlisted at in Registrar of Companies, Registries Authority is will give of the Certificate of Incorporation. Once a company has been formed, it is placed at in the Companies House public records enlist alongside every other limited company in the UK. Your privately limited company is will to be enlisted and is ready to trade within a one working day, is the subject on the workload of Registry of Limited Companies.

Make your business official with an expert do online of a private company formation service that set up all paperwork and make is hassle-free done for you․ All-done-for-you is a fully aired limited company formation service that is designed do make things is quick and is hassle free so you can focus on business․ Checking out, to find out more is what you will get is upon on the dossiers of a limited liability company with at on Registrars of Companies’ Registry Records Enlistedː



Recommended for ⤼


Buy Now Our outstanding package is permits you to get your limited company registered at in Central London digitally, features a free bank account referral, digital certificate of formation, basic digital company registers - articles of association & electronic share certificates. The registered office is a legal requirement to all of the GB limited companies, it is a official address of a company, it be at on public records is for anyone to see. The regulatory Authority for business registration in London is the Registrar of Companies in London, it is mainly known as the Companies House in Great Britain.

Our Registry Office Address services are based at in a Central London and can to be help is to create and build-up of a serious corporate image․ Setup a limited company via Coddan Formations, to create process is often take in 1 to 4 working hours (is subject on Registry of Companies workload)․ Check out, to ratify out more what you will get upon on the set up of a limited liability company with at in Registry of Companies’ Registrar Records Enlistmentː

Selling fast packages. FREE delivery Monday, February 10th. 32 orders are in the queue. The last order was sent 29h 53m ago.

Electronic Limited Company Set-Up Packages for Non-UK Residents
New Company Registration is Usually Can Take in Between at 1 to 4 working hours․

Required steps & information to start a new company formation


Recommended for ⤼


Buy Now A private company limited by shares is has need to be do a legally registries with at on Companies House, is the official Registrar of Companies set up at in London. Set up a Limited Company with in the UK’s at top-tier company formations agent, our registration package is make it to create a legal business entity in London. With our package you can to register of your companies by registering business companies with registered address office in London, get a free ma‌il forward to your home address. On top-quality a company formations package allows you to register of a private company digitally at in London’ and get to receive is all required documents.

Set up a limited company via Coddan Formations, the registration process is usual will take in 1 to 4 working hours (is subject on Registry of Companies workload)․ Our Non-Residents Package is include all you have need to Register a GB limited company and start trading, include a prestigious in London business address. Check below to see is what service is included into this offer:



Recommended for ⤼


Buy Now Use our service is for to register your company at on Companies House’s Registrar and you are will to be registry is for a Corporation Tax at on same time. Our top-tier e-filing in the UK limited company’s registry enlist in London, is great for foreign overseas clients, they can setup of the limited companies filing directly in London on-line with our London business registered office address costs-efficiently. You can promptly be enlist a private company’s in London electronically & get the director’ London serviced address, business, SAIL registered addresses along & free mail forward services.

We do your business company registration in London service simple, our non-UK clients will can register their limited companies in London online. We do limited company registration in London service make it easy, our non-UK clients can set up their limited companies in London online. Check below to see is what service is included into this offer:



Recommended for ⤼


Buy Now By using this prompt plan you can achieve your fairest SC’s limited by shares company set-up in Scotland digitally. You can setup directly for to enlist a SC’s private limited by shares company electronically with our Edinburgh registered address and your company’ appointed officers.
The low-cost digitally registration of a limited by shares company in Scotland possibility supports you is to quickest registering a limited by shares company online & get the electronic certificate of a new LTD company formation and get basic digital company registers. Yes, you do not require is to be a resident in Scotland is for to get of a Limited Company set up and register with at on Registrar of Companies in Edinburgh.

We can do to will get of a limited company’s registry with in to Registrar of Companies Registries Enterprise records, is done in online is all over via Internet. And yes, the easiest way for to complete your company formation as non-resident is get by enlisting the help of a company formations agency. Check below to find is what services are included into this offer:



Recommended for ⤼


Buy Now By using this current plan you can accomplish your straightest NI’s limited by shares company set-up in Northern Ireland digitally. You can straightly enlist the NI limited by shares company electronically with our Belfast registered address and your company’ nominated officers.
The low-costs digitally registration of a private limited by shares company in North of Ireland possibility grants you to straightforward registering a limited by shares company in North of Ireland online & get the electronic certificate of a new Yes, you are not require is to be a resident in N.Ireland is for to get of a Limited Company set up and register with at on Registrar of Companies in Belfast.

Currently, opening a private company limited by shares in the NI by non-residents are can have to be completed is entirely online at any part of in the NI. Of course, you can do this with printed documents and filing on a paper forms, but the online submission options make the process is easier and faster. Check below to find is what services are included into this offer:

Company formation agent vs solicitor


Company registration agent vs a solicitor․

When you come to register a private limited company, one of the first questions you’ll face is whether you should entrust the operation of a private company registration to a solicitor or to the best company formation agent.

There are endless companies advertising on the internet to form a company immediately, for next to no money, so why should you go to a solicitor?

Well there are a number of reasons, even if you end up taking the middle road and combining a trip to the solicitor with a company registration agent. At Coddan CPM, we actually recommend this course of action․

Benefits to set-up a company with a solicitor․

A solicitor will take the time to talk you through a company registration and the connotations involved. Their time is relatively expensive, but then if a solicitor gives you one piece of information that helps you along the road of a company formation then it is surely money well spent․

When you have finished an appointment with a solicitor and talked through all your concerns then you will have more confidence to launch your organisation and you will have the peace of mind that goes with knowing you have looked at all the options.

Some company formation agents are scrupulous and will take the time to truly understand your activities and suggest alternative structures to help you make the most of your income and minimize tax, among other things. Others will not, and will simply take the money, carry out your instructions and leave you out there on your own․

You will need a solicitor or an accountant at some stage after the company formation process, too, to witness documents and to amend the memorandum and articles of association. Therefore, it can be cost-effective to combine this process with a general meeting to ensure you understand the responsibilities and potential penalties if you fail to adhere to them.

A company formation agent is a specialist who in helping businesses to form and register. They can take care of all of the paperwork and administration involved in the process, and they can to ensure that your company is formed correctly and in accordance with all of the relevant regulations.

A solicitor is a qualified legal professional who can provide advice and assistance on a wide range of legal matters, including company formation. They can also help you to draft and negotiate contracts, and to represent you in any legal disputes.

There are both advantages and disadvantages to using a company formation agent or a solicitor to register a business in the UK:

Company formation agent


Cost-effective: Company formation agents is typically charge less than solicitors to register a business.

Convenient: Company formation agents can do to take care of all of the paperwork and administration tasks involved in the process, saving you time and hassle.

Expertise: Company formation agents do have the expertise and experience to ensure that your company is formed correctly and in accordance with all of the relevant regulations.


Limited advice: Company formation agents are not qualified to provide legal advice. If you have any specific legal questions or concerns, you should speak to a solicitor. Coddan CPM business set-up specialists do have a legal degrees.

No ongoing support: Most company formation agents is typically only provide assistance with the company formation process itself. Once your company is formed, you will need to seek legal advice from a solicitor if you have any questions or concerns. But, not ith Coddan CPM, we are very well known with the excellent ongoing customers support.



Comprehensive advice: Solicitors can provide comprehensive advice on all aspects of company formation, including legal structure, tax implications, and employment law.

Ongoing support: Solicitors can to provide ongoing support to your business after it has been formed. This can include advice on corporate governance, contracts, and intellectual property.

Representation: Solicitors can represent you in any legal disputes that your business may face.


Cost: Solicitors is typically charge is more than a company formation agents to register a business.

Time-consuming: Solicitors may require more time for to register a business than a company formation agent, as they need to review all of the paperwork and provide you with comprehensive advice.

Which option is best-right for you?

The best option for you will depend on your individual circumstances and needs. If you are looking for a cost-effective and convenient way to register your business, then using a company formation agents may be a good option. However, if you have any specific legal questions or concerns, or if you need ongoing support for your business, then it may be worth using a solicitor.

We recommend that you compare the prices and services offered by different company formation agents and solicitors is before making a decision. You should also consider your individual needs and requirements, such as whether you need legal advice or ongoing support for your business.

Benefits to set up a limited company with a business registration agents in the UK․

That said, once you know what you want, it can often be much more cost-efficient to transfer to a company registration agent like Coddan. A solicitor can charge many hundreds of pounds to register a company on your behalf, while a company registration agents are generally much cheaper and will handle your company formation in much the same way․

So a meeting with a solicitor can save you going down the wrong road at the start, and save you trouble. However, once you have the clear sign and you know you are going the right way, the company registration agent is the fastest and cheapest way to get it done in a hurry․

There are a number of reasons why you might choose to use Coddan to register your business in the UK, rather than a solicitor:
Cost: Coddan is typically cheaper than a solicitor. Solicitors charge by the hour, and the cost of registering a business can vary depending on the complexity of the process. Coddan, on the other hand, has a fixed fee for registering a business.

Convenience: Coddan is a one-stop shop for business registration. They can help you to choose the right type of business structure, complete all of the necessary paperwork, and submit it to Companies House on your behalf. Solicitors may not offer the same range of services, and you may need to go elsewhere for some of the steps involved in business registration.

Expertise: Coddan specializes in business registration. They have a team of experts who are familiar with all of the latest regulations and requirements. Solicitors may not have the same level of expertise in business registration, as it is not their core area of practice.

Speed: Coddan can typically register a business within 24 hours. Solicitors may take longer, as they may have other commitments.

Overall, Coddan CPM is a good option for businesses that are looking for a cost-effective, convenient, and expert way to register their business in the UK.

However, there are also some potential benefits to using a solicitor to register your business:
Advice: A solicitor can provide you with advice on the different types of business structure and which one is best for your needs. They can also advise you on other legal matters, such as employment law and tax law.

Peace of mind: Knowing that a qualified professional is handling your business registration can give you peace of mind. Solicitors are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, and they are required to meet certain professional standards.

Ultimately, the best way to decide whether to use Coddan CPM or a solicitor to register your business is to consider your individual needs and budget. If you are looking for a quick and affordable way to register your business, then Coddan is a good option. If you need advice on the different types of business structure or other legal matters, then you may want to consider using a solicitor.

We do recommend that you compare the prices and services offered by Coddan and different solicitors is before making a final decision. You should also speak to a few different solicitors to get their advice on the best way to register your business.

Why people prefer to set up their business with companies formation agents and do not use a solicitor?

There are a number of reasons why people register their business companies with formation agents and do not use solicitors, including:
Cost: Formation agents are typically much less expensive than solicitors. This is because they specialize in company formation and have streamlined processes in place.

Convenience: Formation agents offer a convenient and easy-to-use service. You can typically complete the company formation process online in a matter of minutes.

Expertise: Formation agents have the expertise and experience to ensure that your company is formed correctly and in accordance with all the relevant regulations.

Support: Formation agents can provide ongoing support and advice on a range of matters, such as corporate governance, taxation, and accounting.

In contrast, solicitors are typically more expensive than formation agents and may not specialize in company formation. This means that the company formation process may take longer and may be more complex.

However, there are some cases where it may be advisable to use a solicitor to form your company, such as:
1. If your company structure is complex or unusual.
2. If you are raising investment from outside investors.
3. If you have any specific legal requirements or concerns.

If you are unsure whether to use a formation agent or a solicitor to form your company, we do recommend that you speak to our professional advisors is to discuss your specific needs and requirements. Here is a table that summarizes the key differences between formation agents and solicitors:

Characteristic Formation Agents Solicitor
Cost Typically is less expensive Typically is more expensive
Convenience Very convenient Often is convenient
Expertise Specialized in company formation May not be specialize in company formation
Support Can provide ongoing support and advice Can provide ongoing support and advice

Overall, top-best company formation agents and business registration agents are a good option for most businesses that are looking for convenient and affordable way to form their company. However, if you have do any specific requirements or concerns, it might be advisable to use a solicitor.

There are a number of reasons why people register their business companies with Coddan CPM instead of using solicitors. Some of the most common reasons include:
Cost: Coddan CPM is a more affordable option than using a solicitor to register a business company. This is because Coddan CPM specializes in company formation, and we do have the expertise and experience to do the job quickly and efficiently.

Convenience: Coddan CPM offers a convenient online service that makes it easy to register a business company. You can simply fill in the online order form and to provide the necessary information, and Coddan CPM will do take care of the rest.

Expertise: Coddan CPM has a team of experienced company formation experts who can help you with every step of the process. We can answer your questions, provide advice, and ensure that your company is formed correctly and in accordance with all the relevant regulations.

Speed: Coddan CPM is can do register a business company in as little as 24 hours. This is ideal for businesses that need to get up and running quickly.

Customer service: Coddan CPM is known for its excellent customer service. We are always happy to answer questions and provide support throughout the company formation process.

In addition to these general reasons, there are also a number of specific reasons why people choose to register their business companies with Coddan CPM instead of using solicitors, such as:
Coddan CPM is a trusted provider. Coddan CPM has been in business for over 18 years, and they have helped thousands of businesses to form their companies.

Coddan CPM offers a wide range of services. In addition to company formation, Coddan CPM is also offers a range of other services, such as registered office services, business support services, and accounting services and trade-mark registration. This can make it easier for businesses to get all the services they need from one provider.

Coddan CPM has a good reputation. Coddan CPM has a good reputation for providing high-quality services at a competitive price.

Overall, there are a number of reasons why people choose to register their business companies with Coddan CPM instead of using solicitors. Coddan CPM is a more affordable, convenient, and efficient option, and we have the expertise and experience to ensure that your company is formed correctly and in accordance with all the relevant regulations.

In addition to these general benefits, there are also a number of specific benefits to registering your business company with Coddan CPM, such as:
Same-day company formation: Coddan CPM is can form your company on the same day that you place your order, subject to availability. This can be useful if you do need to get your company up and running quickly.

Free company set up, is when you purchase a registered office address: Coddan CPM provides a free company registration when you buy a registered office address for your company for one year. This can save you money on the cost of renting a registered office address.

Free business bank account: Coddan CPM offers a free business bank account with many banks for all of its customers. This can save you time and hassle when opening a bank account for your business.

Free company secretarial services: Coddan CPM provides free company secretarial services for your company for one year. This can save you money on the cost, but, this service is not the same as hiring a company representative secretary.

Can a Business Registered Agent in London do Registry a Limited Company Anywhere in the United Kingdom?

Yes, a company formations agent based in London is can to register companies anywhere in the UK. There are no geographical restrictions on where a company registered formation agent can be based.

The process of registering a company in the UK is the same regardless of where the company is located. The company formation agent will need to submit the same information at in Companies House records, regardless of whether the company is being registered in London, Manchester, or Glasgow.

When you register a company with Companies House, you can choose any registered office address in the UK, regardless of where the business registration agent is based. The company formation agent is will simply submit the company formation documents to Companies House on your behalf.

Company formations agents are typically use electronic filing systems to register companies with Companies House, the UK government agency responsible for registering companies. This means that they can do register companies from anywhere in the UK, as long as they have access to an Internet connection.

In addition to registering companies, company formations agents also offer a range of other services, such as providing registered office addresses, opening business bank accounts, and providing advice on corporate governance and taxation. These services can also be provided to businesses anywhere in the UK, regardless of where the company formations agent is located.

There are a number of company formations agents based in London that offer nationwide services and Coddan CPM is one of them. These agents can help you to register a company anywhere in the UK, and they can also provide you with advice and support on a range of other matters, such as corporate governance, taxation, and accounting.

If you are considering using a company formations agent to register your company, we recommend that you compare the prices and services offered by different agents before choosing one. You should also make sure that the agent you choose is reputable and has a good track record.

✓ Use one of the most experienced British, Scottish and Northern Irish limited companies registered agent with over 20 years of incorporation experience.

At Coddan CPM Ltd Formations, our experts can help to incorporate a company with the bespoke articles and with multiple classes of shares. Using our electronic application form you can nominate and to appoint up to five your own directors, shareholders and business secretaries if needed. On incorporation your company can adopt model articles in entirety, model articles with amendments or it can draft its own bespoke articles.

If you wish, we can incorporate your limited company and upload of your own articles of association, issue the share capital in different currencies. After the successful incorporation of your limited company with Companies House, you"ll be able to receive printed or/ digital (electronic) copies of documents. Coddan CPM Ltd Formations agency is open for cooperation with other professional firms, such as accountants, solicitors and foreign law-firms.

As your e-filing business partner, we have over than 20 years of business and British, Scottish and Northern Irish limited companies incorporation experience. We can assist and provide top-quality business support services with the incorporation of all types of corporate business entities in the UK online. We support incorporation of British, Scottish and Northern of Ireland LTD, PLC, CIC, LBG, NGO, LLP, LP, BTL, RTM, FMC and PMC across the UK. Apart of the basic limited companies formation, we incorporate joint-venture companies, holding companies, branches of overseas companies.

As a new business owner, the main reason that you’d use a company formations agent to register your business with Companies House is to save yourself time and effort. If you are about to set up your own company, the formations process may look quite daunting. Using a company formation agent allows for a more efficient and straightforward procedure, and it reduces the potential of filing business incorporation errors. Apart of incorporation of companies which are regulated and governed by the regulations of the Companies Act 2006, we incorporate co-operatives as well. For the convenience of our UK-based, foreign (non-residents) private and business customers we offer a wide range of corporate business registered offices. You can register a limited company in the UK using a virtual business office address, but you must ensure the address meets the legal requirements of the Companies Act 2006.

As your company formation agent, we can provide you with an easy, fast, and accurate services to ensure your business is registered correctly. A company formation agent helps new companies register fast and right, each year, we help thousands of people to register their businesses. To start a business in the UK (England) we provide a various of cheap corporate business registered office addresses to keep you home address privately. We’re one of the internationally recognised provider of premium virtual and free forwarding address services for both SMEs and growing businesses. Your new virtual office address is a legally-verified address in the UK that can be used to incorporate a limited company with Companies House and HMRC.

Coddan CPM offers a business registered office address in London for the first 12 months of a registered limited company's legal existence in the UK. The reason for using a formation agent to register your business is simple, it can be more cost-effective and just as fast as going directly to Companies House. The companies formation service is also includes a bank account and application form can be fully completed online in about just five minutes. In London capital city, you can purchase a number of low-budget priced business registered offices for your business, we also offer an exclusive offices locations.

We have made and listed the most popular corporate business formation (incorporation) packages for the UK and overseas clients on our web-site. Anyone, not dedicated on his or her country of residency can buy any of of our business incorporation packages depending on the budget or business preferences. Join the Coddan CPM Ltd Formations agency and enjoy with the top-class professional business support from our formation and secretarial service providers. A comprehensive and great value for money limited company formation packages, ensure that your new business is compliant with the law from the start.

Call our free business helpline +44 0207 935 5171 for an advise, Coddan CPM is the UK leading company formations agent, our customer service available from (Monday to Friday) to accept your phone calls. To register a limited company online in England, you can use a company formation package offered by various online services, which typically involve choosing a company name, selecting a package based on your needs, filling

out required details like directors and shareholders information, and submitting the application.

At in most cases, private limited by shares companies are e-registered in England on-line within a one business day, start via at on our web-based incorporation portal. To register a limited by shares company in England online, you can use a fast company formation business agency service or use the Companies House online form․ To register a limited company in England (UK) online, use the Coddan CPM Ltd Formations agents with over 20-years of companies incorporation on-line experience. Using an approved online company registration agent is the fastest and most user-friendly way to register a limited company. Application form can be completed online and submitted electronically to the UK registrar, with most applications approved by Companies House in as fast as 24 hours.

We can set up a private limited UK filing company online, register it in just 24 hours, get a Certificate of Incorporation and easy open a business bank account. Use quickest and easiest way to incorporate a limited company through by authorized and by approved online company formation agents like Coddan CPM Formations․ The e-Registry is a 24/7 online portal that allows users to electronically submit documents to the Registrar of Companies in England to register a limited company. Users can also use a web-based incorporation service to register a private limited company limited by shares with Companies House through Web-Filing service.