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Coddan CPM Ltd. – Company Registration Agent in the UK

5 Steps to Get e-Registry’ of a Company’s at on the Registries of Companies (Roc) Recordsː

Stage 1
Search for a business name
Stage 2
Choose and obtain the pack
Stage 3
Fill at in e-filing form
Stage 4
Submit web e-app
Stage 5
Get it e-filed registered
Stage 6
Open a bank account

A Company’s Formation - How to Buy a Legal London’s Registered Office Address’s

Sign-up today for to start use of our official business registered office addresses at on a Central London, a City of London or at in West of London.

How Does the Buy a Virtual Legal Business Registered Office Address Process Work?

①. By choosing our registered office address service, you can to give of your business a looked-for address in London while at the same time protecting your identity.
②. Choose a suitable set up package online and to complete our simple online application order form under just in a 5 up to 10 minutes.
③. Once your documents have been verified and your registration is complete you will to be able for to start use our prestigious at in a city of London or at in a Central of London business addresses.
④. Set Up your company with Business Registered Office Address at in London, instantly add-on credibility and prestige to build-in your business brand.

Selling fast packages. FREE delivery Friday, January 17th. 32 orders are in the queue. The last order was sent 00h 00m ago.

Get Your New Business Set-Up in UK On-Line With
of a Business Register Office Address for UK-Clients

Required steps & information to start a new company formation


Recommended for ⤼


Our Registered Office Address Service is do allows companies for to use our London address as their legal official physical office location in London. With this package we will do register of your companies by enlisting business companies with of a enrolled address office in London, get for free mail forward to your home address. You can add the director service address for to protect your home address. set Up your company with Business Registered Office Address at in London, instantly add-on credibility and prestige to build -in your business brand.

Each company is required by law for to have a registered office address is where an official and a legal correspondence is can be served in the UK. Buy our Registered Office Address service is for to protect your privacy and benefit from a prestigious in Central London address is for only £69.99 per year. Upon on incorporation, your enrolled office address is will to be displayed at on Public Registrar at in Companies House’s register records in the UK



Recommended for ⤼


A Registered Office is the address that is set up of a company at on officially registry at upon incorporation and is display at in Public Registrar. With this package we will by e-filing of your business company formation with enlisted office address in Edinburgh, in Scotland by filing of your new limited companies to set up with corporate business enrolled office address in Edinburgh, free post mail forward to your home address. You can add the director service address for to protect of your home address.

The Registered Office address is will become the central point of contact for your company to both with any Companies House and HMRC mail is will be directed. Our low-cost Registered Office Address service includes free post forward or scanning and emailing of all official mail, add-on is our director Service Andres. This business formation is with your company’s businesses enrolled address office at in Edinburgh and has include the benefits are described belowːː



Recommended for ⤼


You must to provide a registered office address to set up a Limited Company on the Companies Registrar, it is a official address of a limited company. With this package we will setup of a business firm e-formation with registered office address in Belfast, North of Ireland by forming of a new limited company’s registry with at corporate business enrolled legal office address in Belfast, free mail post forward for to your home address. You can add the director service address to protect of your home address.

There are a several reasons is for to get a physical office and mailing adders that is get have a separate business address is be from your own address. Every limited company is have need to be formed in N.Ireland is require for to have a registered office which is must to be an address location in N.Ireland. This business set up is with your company’s businesses registered address office at in Belfast and has include the benefits are described belowːː



Recommended for ⤼


A Registered Office Address is a legal address of a company is officially require registered is upon on incorporation and is a displayed on the Public Registrar. Get office address and register a limited company in minutes, get in Central London address to use as your registered address, keep your home address privately. Try a virtual business address risk free, get a real street address, is ideal for business registration, receive a virtual business office address in London.

Having a Business Registered Office Address at in Central London is can get and give is more benefits for to your corporate business image and prestige. Our tailor-made package is offering add-on services that help you enlist a company with a business registered office in London. Get is a business enlisted office address in London with the complete street address, use as a company enrolled office and director’s service address

Selling fast packages. FREE delivery Friday, January 17th. 16 orders are in the queue. The last order was sent 00h 00m ago.

F‌iling of Your UK Busines‌s Registry On-Line With
a Legal Reg‌is‌tered Office Ad‌dres‌s f‌or Non-UK Client‌s

Required steps & information to start a new company formation


Recommended for ⤼


Our Registered Office Address Service is do allows companies for to use our London address as their legal official physical office location in London. With this package we will do register of your companies by enlisting business companies with of a enrolled address office in London, get for free mail forward to your home address. You can add the director service address for to protect your home address.

Each company is required by law for to have a registered office address is where an official and a legal correspondence is can be served in the UK. Buy our Registered Office Address service is for to protect your privacy and benefit from a prestigious in Central London address is for only £69.99 per year. Upon on incorporation, your enrolled office address is will to be displayed at on Public Registrar at in Companies House’s register records in the UK



Recommended for ⤼


A Registered Office is the address that is set up of a company at on officially registry at upon incorporation and is display at in Public Registrar. With this package we will by e-filing of your business company formation with enlisted office address in Edinburgh, in Scotland by filing of your new limited companies to set up with corporate business enrolled office address in Edinburgh, free post mail forward to your home address. You can add the director service address for to protect of your home address.

The Registered Office address is will become the central point of contact for your company to both with any Companies House and HMRC mail is will be directed. Our low-cost Registered Office Address service includes free post forward or scanning and emailing of all official mail, add-on is our director Service Andres. This business formation is with your company’s businesses enrolled address office at in Edinburgh and has include the benefits are described belowːː



Recommended for ⤼


We’re is internationally recognized provider of a virtual business and providing a registered address office services for both SME and growing businesses. With this package you are can enlist your new limited companies with business enrolled office address in Northern Ireland, free ma‌il posting to your home address. You can adds-on the enlistments director service address to protect your home address.

There are a several reasons is for to get a physical office and mailing adders that is get have a separate business address is be from your own address. Every limited company is have need to be formed in N.Ireland is require for to have a registered office which is must to be an address location in N.Ireland. This business set up is with your company’s businesses registered address office at in Belfast and has include the benefits are described belowːː



Recommended for ⤼


A Registered Office Address is a legal address of a company is officially require registered is upon on incorporation and is a displayed on the Public Registrar. Get office address and enlist a limited company in minutes, get in Central London address to use as your enrolled address for keep your home address privately. Try a virtual business address risk free, get a real street address, is ideal for business registration, receive a virtual business office address in London.

Having a Business Registered Office Address at in Central London is can get and give is more benefits for to your corporate business image and prestige. Our tailor-made package is offering add-on services that help you enlist a company with a business registered office in London. Get is a business enlisted office address in London with the complete street address, use as a company enrolled office and director’s service address

The Registered Office Address for Non-Trading (Dormant) or for Trading Companies in London

Provision Registered Address

A registered office address is the official ‘head office’ address of a limited company (or a limited liability partnership) registered with Companies House and HMRC. You must to provide a registered office address is when you set up a limited company, our location is will do serve as the official address is for all correspondence․ A Registered Office Address is the address of the company is officially enlisted at upon incorporation and is display on the Public Registrar at Companies House․ Since a registered office address is a legal requirement under of UK Company Law you cannot start or run of a limited company or a limited liability partnership.

This location is will do serve as the official address is for all correspondence from Companies House and HMRC authority. It is deals with the regulation and incorporation of limited liability partnerships and limited by shares companies set up in the UK electronically or by post. Preregister office address for trading & non-trading (dormant) companies: if you are unable to fulfill the minimum legal requirements to register a company with your own address, then we can offer a new company formation with enlist office addressees. However, it is important to realize that our services, and the fees for these services, are different depending on the type of private company you are willing to register․ A Registered Office Address is an address where the company is officially registered at upon incorporation and is displayed on to Public Registrar at Companies House․ According to the Companies House regulations and rules the registered office address is must to be in the same location where the business is enlisted.

It is a legal requirement for all UK companies to provide a registered office address, you must to provide a registered office address is when you set up a limited company. Order a registered office with company formation, form your new company online today and select one of our address locations for your company. Please take into consideration that the higher fees for the active companies will cover the cost of numerous additional provisions that do not apply to dormant companies. For example, the registered address service for active companies will include display of your company name in our reception area so that any visitors that have business with your company can clearly identify it․

At Coddan you can buy a cheap Registered Office Address at in London starting from just £69.99 per year, this plan you will get a prime address in London. It follows on legal requirements and has many benefits associated with the service, such as free mail handling, no postage fees, and free mail forward. A Registered Office Address is a legal address for all companies registered at on Companies House, it is official address of the incorporated company in the UK. Set Up a Limited Company with the UK’s leading company formations, get London registered office address, directors’ service address and trading address.

Also, if you are a trading company, it is often common for government authorities from Companies House or the Inland Revenue to do surprise inspections, or to investigate the records of your limited company (which we keep electronic files of)․ This is an issue that will not apply to dormant companies as they will not have traded. If someone comes to our office to inspect your company records, we will need to aid this person in their duties, which can take a few hours at a time․

A registered office is a legal requirement for all companies registered at on Companies House, it is the official address of the incorporated company. A registered office address is an official correspondence address that each limited company and LLP is legally required to supply at upon incorporation. A business registered office is must to be a full physical address (not a PO Box Number) that is located in the UK jurisdiction where a company or LLP is registered․ The best way to set up a UK limited company is to complete application for Companies House through an approved to do online at a company formation agent․ The company formation agent is authorized to offer its own office as the legally Registered Office Address of the client’s company․

We can offer our clients that are thinking of registering a trading company using the provision of our registered office address numerous benefits․ As we have the physical office address in London (not just a PO Box like other service providers), we can arrange for your clients to come and visit you here if they have any queries regarding your business․ London limited companies’ registered offices are will to be register with on UK’s Companies House’ Registrar Office at in London and in HMRC business records. You can simple and easy start set-up a new business set up with businesses enlisted address in London․

By taking the provision of our registered office address, this does not cover any fees if you wish for Coddan to legally represent you in any separate matters. A Registered Office Address is the official business address location of the incorporated company and is publicly available, anyone is can to view and search. If you would like to appoint us as your tax expert, please check the section Registrations with Inland Revenue․ A company formation, or a company registration, incorporate a business in the UK with on Companies House, its official Registrars of Companies for in England and Wales.

A dormant company will not have to concern itself with many of the issues and regulations that accompany a trading company, and we are therefore able to offer dormant companies a cheaper fee․ We provide our clients with online setting up, incorporation and address services for registered office and correspondence mail service address. As the registration process of a limited company is complete on-line, only the Digital Signatures are required to e-file in the forms at on our portal. On Web-Incorporation service the set up of a limited company and register for on Corporation Tax service is the quickest and easiest way to register your company. Straightforward applications sent using on our Web-Incorporation services are normally registry of your private limited company proceed within 24-hour.

If you are going to establish a trading entity, you will need to ensure that the name of the company is visible to the general public; otherwise you could come under severe scrutiny and incur penalties from courts, Registrar of Companies, and the Inland Revenue. For this reason, we strongly advise our clients to do their research on the issue, even if they are considering enlisting with another service provider․ Buy our Legal Business Registered Office Address service at in a Central London to protect your privacy and create a professional corporate image.

In the UK a registered address is a legal requirement by Company Law for any company or an LLP registered with on Companies House’s Registrar Office records. Many formation agencies in the United Kingdom operate from home and may not always be physically able to display the company names required, and therefore you will risk trouble at a later date if you decide to use them as your registered office address and service provider․ If you are looking for to find of the registered office address, enter of the company name on the ‘Search the Register’ on page of Registrar of Limited Companies Service․

Remember, if a company formation agent is offering the provision of a registered office address, you must check whether they will be fulfilling the legal requirements by displaying your company name on their premises. Otherwise, you are leaving yourself open to numerous fines, as the director of a limited company will be the person responsible for its negligence․ Registered Office Address is an official location for your company with in Companies House and HMRC, get your today and take on more business. Set Up your company with a Business Registered Office Address at in London, instantly add-on credibility and prestige to build in your business brand! It is a legal require for all UK companies are to provide is a registered office address, this location is will to be serve as the official address for to get all correspondence. UK law dictates that both the registered office address and a director’s service address are required, both is and to be displayed on the central public register.

A Registered Office Address is a physical address in the UK, that is publicly available and is used by Companies House and other government bodies to deliver statutory communications and legal notice to a company. Its is where companies should make their statutory registers available for public inspection, unless an alternative location is used for this purpose. Unless they are kept at on of a SAIL address, all private limited companies must to keep of their statutory records at on their registered office address. The location of the SAIL address is must to be in the same part of the UK as a physical legal business registered office address in the Great Britain. A company is can do keep records at both of SAIL address and its the legal registered office address, or to choose to keep all of registers records at of the SAIL address. You can move the most of a company records anywhere you like, but a statutory registers can only be moved between of a registered office and of the SAIL address.

Another thing to be wary of is if you are planning to use your house address as the registered office address. As you will need to have some form of identification for your private company’s name that is visible to the general public, you must check whether you need permission from the landlord or council in order to do so. Some housing contracts and tenant agreements strictly forbid the use of their property for business purposes, and therefore you will be breaking the law by going against this contract, whilst disobeying the Companies Act.

The e-Registry is a 24-hour portal developed to the Companies Registry to electronic e-file submission of documents in to Registrar of Companies in England. Setting-Up your Limited Company is the first step you have to take is before you get start up and run your business and make money․ A company formation, or registry of a company, get set up a business in the UK with on Companies House, is an official Registrar of Companies in England and Wales․ It deals with the regulation and incorporation of limited liability partnerships and limited by shares companies in the UK jurisdiction. Its purpose is to do to identify a limited entity’s ID, is do verify that it has been registered at to Corporate Registrars as is a legal entity (i.e. a ‘legal person’ in its own rights)․

All registry service is a UK’s Companies’ formation and registration online, in electronic file application dossier, online business setup documents in London․ Get an official is complete business registered office address at in a Central London for your business and get it registry at in Registrar of Companies records. The first step in registering your company in London is ascertaining whether the chosen company structure is will fit to be for commercial activities. Our price is clear and transparent, when registering your limited company with us, you’ll pay what is advertised with no hidden costs or extra charges. Its is a legal requirement for all UK companies to supply a registered office address, that location is will do serve as the official legal address for all correspondence. This location is will do serve as the official address is for all correspondence from the Companies House and HMRC tax agency in the UK. You can do official register your limited company in London electronically through the e-Business portal, it will can take in 24-hours is to set up your company.

The best way to set up a UK limited company is to complete application for Companies House through an approved online do company formation agent. If you do set up and register your limited company with Coddan online, we can ensures your limited company is will to be incorporated as fast as it possible. We will pay the incorporation fee on your behalf, all of our set up company’s formation packages is include free digital versions of your limited company documents. When starting your company, you can choose to register the limited company yourself through HMRC or use our accountancy firm to do this for you. Enterprises are given the option of four standardised packages online or if they wish they can telephone or email for a bespoke company formation. The online service will register the UK limited company application with at on Companies House in London electronically through the e-Business portal.

We do have the ability to form of your Limited Company in electronically, for is eliminating the need to sign up and is do complete of any paperwork. All details are entered online before you submit and pay for your company, you are will be able to view all company details you have provided online. We do make your business official with our expert online limited company formation service that is will get all the paperwork and hassle done for you! Our online company formation process is include a SIC code search facility, however you may wish to find a company’s SIC code prior to start your order. Call us to find more! We will discuss with you the best trading vehicle for your business and will then help you form a limited company or LLP within a few hours. On average an Ltd Company is usually incorporated within 24 hours, however this is will does depend on the workload at Companies House. Our formation specialists can do create Limited Companies in just 3 hours, let us take a strain of creating a company away from you, buy online today!

We do make your business is official with an expert online limited company formation service that is set up all paperwork and hassle done for on your behalf. Whilst a limited company is can only to be incorporated (registered) in one jurisdiction, the UK has do a single set up system of company registration. The limited company is will usually can to be registered within 24 hours, set up is upon on of receipt your application, if you will do it in online. Online registration is available for to everyone, regardless of their actual place of residence, anyone is can will do register of the limited company. Our registered office address location is can will be serve is for all official correspondence you will do receive from Companies House and HMRC. The online process is to register (incorporate) a private limited company (‘Ltd’) in the UK, is can be done in less than in just 24-hours.

A Registered Office Address is an official address for your company with on Companies House and in HMRC records, get yours today and take on more business. And, yes, you can do register online through Companies House, or through accountants or you can do register with at on third-party formation agents. Company formation in the UK is an incredibly ease, is straightforward and is inexpensive process, all is can be done online, it is will be no paperwork do sign up. Company register in the UK, even for e-commerce business is easy and affordable, form is can to be completed online and paperwork can be signed virtually. We do electronically submit your application in to Companies House and they do approve is most formation requests within 24 hours, we can do it in just 3 hours.

Business Address

Additional information

If you have an existent company, and need to change the address, we can do it for you within an hour. We can accept letters and parcels. You can send us important business correspondence with instructions to whom & where we should post it, and we will do the rest. Order a registered office with company formation, form your new company online today and select one of our address locations for your company. Our legal address is will be the official address for of your company, sign up today and start using of your in London Registered Office Address instantly!

At Coddan, we offer to provide of the physical official registered office address in different locations for to register of a limited company with at on business postcode. A registered office is the official address of a limited company and having one, is a legal requirement for any incorporated business trading in the Great Britain. Your registered office address is made available to the public on the official register of companies at Head Office of Registrar of Companies, principal place of a business. The Registered Agent’s address is can to be used as a principal place of your business residence location for your limited liability company set-up in London’s Capital. With Coddan, you can find a different official registered office’s locations, we do offer of the 78 different office addresses location just at in one London.

A Registered Office Address is a physical address in the UK, that is publicly available and is used by Companies House and other government bodies to deliver statutory communications and legal notice to a company. Its is where companies should make their statutory registers available for public inspection, unless an alternative location is used for this purpose. Your registered office address is made available to the public on the official register of companies at Registrar of Companies Head Office, principal place of a business. The registered office is must to be:
‣ A physical address in the UK.
‣ In the same country as the company is registered. For example, a company registered in London must have a registered office address in England and Wales.
‣ Not a PO Box office.
‣ The address is must be accessible to the public during normal business hours.

A Registered Office Address be the official business address location of the incorporated company and be publicly available, anyone can search to find. The company is responsible for ensuring that the registered office address is kept up-to-date and that all statutory communications and legal notices are received at the address. If the company is changes its registered address office, it must notify Companies House within 14 days. There are a number of reasons why a company might choose a registered address office service. These include:
‣ To protect their privacy by not using their home address as a registered office address.
‣ To have a professional address for their company.
‣ To have an address in convenient location, such as London.

There are a number of companies that offer registered address office services. When choosing a registered address office services it is important to consider the following factors:
‣ The cost of the service.
‣ The location of the address.
‣ The hours of access to the address.
‣ The level of service offered by a company.

Whilst a UK limited company can only be incorporated (registered) in one jurisdiction, the UK has do a single one system of a company registration. The main purpose of Companies House (the ‘Registrar’) is to incorporate (‘register’) and dissolve companies (including LLP’s) in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, in accordance with Companies Act 2006, which is do governs all company registration matters in the GB. In the UK, all limited companies and LLPs are do legally required by law is to have of a registered office address, this is the legal correspondence address of a company. A registered office is must to be a full physical address (not a PO Box Number) that is located in the UK jurisdiction where a company or LLP is registered. Our Address services are based at in Central London and will do can help is to create of a professional corporate business image.

We Provide a Wide Number of the Registered Offices Addresses across the Great Britainː

The Location of a Registered Office Address The Number Of Offices are Available
in London at in 105 different locations
in Manchester at in 7 different locations
in Bristol at in 1 location
in Liverpool at in 2 different locations
in Bolton at in 1 location
in Dudley at in 1 location
in Hemel Hempstead at in 1 location
in Birmingham at in 7 different locations
in Leads at in 2 different locations
in Edinburgh (Scotland) at in 6 different locations
in Reading at in 1 location
in Aldershot at in 1 location
in Slough at in 1 location
in Preston at in 1 location
in Glasgow (Scotland) at in 5 different locations
in Aberdeen (Scotland) at in 1 location
in Cardiff (Wales) at in 4 different locations
in Newport (Wales) at in 1 location
in Barry (Wales) at in 1 location
in Penarth (Wales) at in 1 location
in Belfast (N.Ireland) at in 2 different locations
in Bedfordshire at in 1 location
in Berkshire at in 3 different locations
in Cambridgeshire at in 4 different locations
in Cheshire at in 3 different locations
in County Durham at in 2 different locations
in Derbyshire at in 2 different Locations
in Devon at in 2 different locations
in Cloucesterhire at in 5 different locations
in Greater Manchester at in 5 different locations
in Hampshire at in 2 different locations
in Kent at in 3 different locations
in Lancashire at in 3 different locations
in Norfolk at in 1 location
in Oxfordshire at in 3 different locations
in Somerset at in 5 different locations
in Surrey at in 2 different locations
in West Midlands at in 6 different locations
in Yorkshire at in 10 different locations

Find out 5 reasons why it is not advisable to use a private residential address as a registered office, including privacy and corporate image.

The business registered office address details of all UK’s limited companies incorporated in the UK are enlisted and easily searchable at on Companies House. A business registered office address is a main and official correspondence address that every limited company filing to be appeared at on the public register.

The registered office address is the ‘home’ of the company to which all official documents, notices and court papers have to be sent by law. The main business legal registered office address is must to be a physical location for the delivery or for inspection of documents and corporate records.

A business physical registered office address is your company’s official address and it will to be published publicly on the UK government’s website. It is the legal address that has been provided on to Companies House, which is the UK's official registrar of all incorporated business entities.

5 Reasons Not to Use a Private Residential Address as a Registered Office:

1. Privacy
Your registered office address is a public record, meaning that anyone can look it up on the Companies House website. This means that your home address will be available to anyone, including potential customers, suppliers, competitors, and even scammers. If you use your home address as your registered office address, you may also receive unwanted mail and visitors.

2. Corporate image
Using your home address as your registered office address can make your business look unprofessional. Potential customers may be hesitant to do business with a company that operates from a residential address. Having a business address in a commercial area, such as a London city center or business park, can give your business a more professional and credible image.

3. Uninvited guests
If you use your home address as your registered office address, you may have to deal with uninvited guests, such as potential customers, suppliers, or even angry customers. This can be disruptive and even dangerous, especially if you have young children or elderly relatives living at home.

4. Legal issues
If your business is sued or becomes insolvent, your creditors may be able to access your home address through the public register of companies. This could lead to your home being seized or sold to pay off your debts.

5. Mail mishaps
If you receive a lot of mail for your business, it can be difficult to keep up with it when it’s all delivered to your home. This could lead to important mail being lost or overlooked.

Alternatives to using a private residential address as a registered office address.

There are a number of alternatives to using a private residential address as a registered office address, including:

Using a commercial registered office address service
There are a number of companies that offer commercial registered office address services. These services provide you with a business address that you can use as your registered office address. Your mail will be forwarded to you at your preferred address, and your privacy will be protected.

Using a virtual office
Virtual offices provide you with a business address and other business services, such as mail forwarding and telephone answering. This can be a good option for businesses that don't need a physical office space.

Additional reasons
Legal issues. If your business gets involved in a legal dispute, your home address may be made public in court records. This could make it difficult to sell your home in the future, and it could also make you and your family more vulnerable to harassment.

Mail mishaps. If you receive important business mail at your home address, there is a risk that it could be lost or stolen. This could have serious consequences for your business. If you are serious about your business, it is best to use a separate registered office address. This will protect your privacy, project a professional image, and help you to keep your personal and business life separate.

Here are some tips for choosing a registered office address:
1. Choose an address in a professional business district.
2. Choose an address that is easy to find and access.
3. Choose an address that is associated with a reputable company.
4. Make sure that the address provider offers mail forwarding and scanning services.


There are a number of reasons why it is not advisable to use a private residential home address as a registered office. If you are serious about your business, it is worth investing in a separate business address. This will protect your privacy, maintain your professional image, and avoid other potential problems.

If you are starting a new business, it is important to choose a registered office address that is right for you. Consider your privacy needs, corporate image, and budget when making your final decision.

I‍t is, therefore, far easier to simply allow us to set-up o‍f a company with the registered address in London as we can meet all the legal requirements on your behalf, which allows you to concentrate o‍n the business at hand. If you are a‍t any time confused by t‍he process or wish to ask further questions regarding the matter, you can come to the office or simply cal‍l and s‍peak to on‍e o‍‍f our advisers today.