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Coddan CPM Ltd. – Company Registration Agent in the UK
Top Quality & Simple Company Formation Packages for British Professional Clients

U.K. Professional Clients

Best Value & Low-Priced Company Formation Packages for Private UK Based Clients

U.K. Private Customers

Great Value & Low-Cost Company Formation Packages for International Clients

International Clients

Company Formation Secretarial Agent & Legal Secretary Services

Secretarial Compliance

Our Experience With Trade Mark Registration

Our experience with trademark, copyright & logo registration

Our Experience With Trademark Registration

Our experience with trademark registration: here at Coddan, we have a vast amount of experience in the area of trademark registration, not only in the United Kingdom but around the world. Whether you want to register your trademark at home or abroad, we're able to do it for you.

Because registering a private company's trademark - a logo, slogan or something else that defines them in the marketplace and is theirs only – is so fundamentally important to a business, it must be done right. You don't want your application rejected many months down the line, or failing to properly register at all. That's why we handle the work from the outset and never use intermediaries for any part of it.

We begin by appraising the proposed trademark, and then conduct a check with the trademark register to see if it's already in use, or anything similar to it that might cause problems during the application process and lead it to be rejected. Only when we're fully satisfied that the proposed trademark is unique will we go ahead and lodge the application with the Intellectual Property Office, and when it has been approved and is complete you'll receive a certificate of trademark registration to prove that it's yours.

We have several packages for trademark registration, and can do it for companies that are already in existence as well as those that are about to be formed. Trademarks are only protected in the country where they are registered, however, so if you're doing business across borders, or even just thinking about it as a long-term plan, you'll also need to register your trademark in other countries, and we can assist.

We're experienced in working with the Madrid Protocol, which enables international trademark registration. With just one successful application to the World Intellectual Property Organisation, a UN agency based in Geneva, a trademark can be protected in more than 90 countries. It's an effective way of applying for and managing trademarks in many jurisdictions, instead of the costly and time-consuming process of doing it individually.

Our aim at Coddan is to make the registration process as straightforward as possible for our clients. We've designed an online application system that's easy to use and once we receive your details we'll get the process under way at once. Our expert trademark consultations are available to discuss your individual needs, and can advise on what's best for you. Contact us today and get your limited company trademark protected.